Hello Perrine Parents,
It is time again for our fall book fair. Books are a great gift to give your kids. With Christmas just around the corner, you can purchase great presents for your kids and at the same time help out our school. Also available will be books that teachers would like purchased for their classroom libraries. Many of the new books teachers are purchasing are non-fiction books that align with the new Idaho Core Standards.
If you cannot make it into our book fair, you can order on line and the proceeded from your sales will be credited to the Perrine PTA. The website is
If you have time, please stop in after your parent conference in the multi-purpose room. Our bookstore dates and hours are November 4-6 from 3:00 to 7:00 and November 7 from 3:00 to 4:30. We accept cash and credit/debit cards. No checks please.
We are having a special event on Wednesday, November 6 from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. Grandparents are asked to join their grandchild for breakfast in our cafeteria. Afterwards, grandparents can visit our book store for gift ideas. If your child is going to bring their grandparents to the event, please RSVP on the form sent home to you this past Monday, October 27 or call the school at 733-4288 to reserve your breakfast.